Google Ads to Simplify Location Targeting Settings

Google Ads has announced upcoming changes to its location targeting settings, set to take effect in March.

The goal is to make the targeting process more intuitive and easier for advertisers to navigate.

One of the significant changes involves the removal of the “Search interest: People searching for your target locations” targeting option, which Google found had low adoption rates and was not being used effectively.

Advertisers can still use the “Presence or interest” or “Presence” options, which are better aligned with most campaigns’ advertising goals.

Additionally, the option to exclude “Presence or interest: People in, regularly in, or who’ve shown interest in your excluded locations” will also be removed, as it was found to be confusing for many advertisers and had a low impact on campaign performance. 

Google has tested these changes and interviewed advertisers to ensure they improve the targeting experience for advertisers.

Advertisers should prepare to adjust their targeting settings in March to take advantage of these changes, which are expected to simplify the targeting process and make it easier to achieve campaign goals.

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